Discussion thread for day 22 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/22
Good break from Day 21. Pretty much just brute force (just need to read thoroughly to ensure that all logic is captured):
A nice clean day after a dirty awful yesterday in which I left my workflow running overnight and came back to a finished not the answer.
This one highlights the things Alteryx is good at. Multi-row formulas and summation allow you to shortcut things that most (other) programming languages would find syntactically complicated.
The question was difficult to understand, but today is straightforward!
This was a breath of fresh air, besides me spending an hour troubleshooting the fact that I only ran 1,999 iterations instead of 2,000 after reworking for P2 😅
It’s not a particularly difficult problem as long as we correctly understand the problem statement.
I struggled a bit to fully grasp the problem statement, but for P1, I followed the instructions, created the formula in the Formula Tool, and ran the loop 2000 times to get the answer.
For P2, I used a multi-row formula tool to calculate the patterns and aggregated the first digit of the price that matched the pattern for each record. Initially, I overlooked the part about "the first price that matches the pattern" and ended up confused when my answers didn’t match.
Day 22. More in spoiler
Finally a chill day