Day 13 done and dusted! I've always struggled with Maths so did have to look up formulae etc, but converted this into BaseA myself. If nothing else this has been a great refresher/lesson in linear equations!
Initially thought finally a problem for Optimization tool, even the location optimizer macro. After some unnecessary fiddling, back to basic linear algebra 101 😂
@leozhang2work here's how to solve it with the optimisation macro, which I will still count as BaseA as it's a tool installed with Designer 🙄
It took me a while to realise how easy this one actually is 😂
After generating 100 rows each for the button a presses and 100 rows for the button b presses and trying each combination to see which ones worked. I realised that these linear equations can be made much simpler to remove the reliance on Generate Rows.
([A_x] * a) + ([B_x] * b) = [P_x] && ([A_y] * a) + ([B_y] * [b]) = [P_y]
and then filtered out where this was false, before calculating the tokens and aggregating:
[a] * 3 + [b] * 1
// solving for a, multiply prize by b
p_diff = abs(([P_x] * [B_y]) - ([P_y] * [B_x]))
// solving for a, multiply a by b
a_diff = abs(([A_x] * [B_y]) - ([A_y] * [B_x]))
// validate the modulo
Valid Multiple = MOD([p_diff], [a_diff]) = 0
// Calculate a
IF [Valid Multiple]
THEN [p_diff] / [a_diff]
// Calculate b - watch out for edge cases that don't go into the remainder an equal number of times
IF !IsNull([a]) && MOD(([P_x] - ([A_x] * a)), [B_x]) = 0
THEN ([P_x] - ([A_x] * a)) / [B_x]
My solution.