Discussion thread for day 10 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/10
I thought part2 would be more complicated scenario, but actually not so much.
As suspected, @gawa, copied my solution before I even finished it XD. Well done, sir! This was a surprisingly simple problem (maybe could have swapped for Day 6?). Another excellent algorithm lesson
I always spy on you @CoG.
We will see more copy of them in this thread because this should be the most immediate approach that first comes to our mind.
The best part2 is the one you already solved while doing part 1.
today challenge is like design for alteryx.
just a tool different, so i use detour instead.
Day 10 is easy. I can sleep tonight.
I *distinctly* remember someone (looking at you @CoG ) telling me to read the constraints carefully. I think many people (including myself) solved part 2 first 😂