Discussion thread for day 21 of the Advent of Code : https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/21
Probably should have used an interative macro for part 2 but went for copy and past instead...
Now back to fix the 20th Pt 2 ...
So many foods to avoid. I found this one a notch easier than yesterday's puzzle...
Unlike previous days, where the difficult part has been implementing the algorithm in Alteryx, today the brain hamsters were running at light speed just trying to figure out the algorithm. I'm still not sure if the algorithm is completely generic or I was lucky and it matched the sample and input🤕
Not the hardest but got me time to figure out part 1 logic. Part 2 was more straightforward.
Day 21!
This is the result of getting lost.
Part1 Macro
Part2 Macro - Minimize possible pattern
Part2 Macro 2 calculate result