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Advent of Code 2020 - BaseA Style (Day 11)

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Discussion thread for day 11 of the Advent of Code :

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Tidied up and did a better approach for iterative macro (doing so pre work) - got run time to a nicer 11s


Inner macro much simpler (and for both part 1 and 2):




17 - Castor
17 - Castor



I'm getting used to Making Iterative Macros.

 - I added Position tag to lookup table.
 - I don’t contain center seat in lookup table. Because when count up "#", it always count center seat is "#". So we can count not 5 but 4.

Part1 Macro:


Part2 Macro:  to modify Lookup table with added rules. I used the Position Tag to modify it.AkimasaKajitani_2-1607703230322.png


 AS anonymous user #1105310

11 - Bolide

@jdunkerley79 a big win for AMP today. I took yours and got ~26s without it and ~12s with it. I think the big difference was being able to run the iterative macros in parallel. I've just tried with/without on mine and got similar numbers. 

11 - Bolide

and @jdunkerley79 I like your # filter in the macro, that's a good simplifcation for downstream.

8 - Asteroid

Help! For Part A I built a batch macro within an iterative macro which worked fine for the example on the main page (the 10 x 10 grid). It gave me 37 occupied seats as the answer and ran 5 iterations, just like the example.


I've now fed in the full puzzle data and I'm on iteration 68 after 60 minutes run time. Can someone who has solved part A please tell me if I should persevere or bail out!? I feel like I should bail but I just can't let go! Someone please put me out of my misery... ðŸ˜‚


EDIT: nevermind - I persevered and it worked (woo!) but I will need to change tactic and/or streamline my macros if I'm going to get much further with AOC!

7 - Meteor

Today was a huge loss for AMP on mine.  With AMP on, it runs faster, but comes up with the wrong answer!  I got it down to 9.5 seconds without AMP.


10 - Fireball


I couldn't resist seeing how it played out - today's was fun!

Gif skips a few frames to be under the community size limit but you get the idea. Twbx is available for download here if you fancy a look.

10 - Fireball


Pretty low res and some frames skipped for the file size/upload but I couldn't resist seeing how it played out.
Full version here     Fun challenge today!

11 - Bolide

@NedHarding that is interesting, I see it on my machine too for your macro. 2119 for part 2 without AMP, 2117 with it turned on? It deviates from the second iteration onwatds.

7 - Meteor

@Balders It's even worse than that - I get multiple different wrong answers!  Now of course this is kind of my fault since I am the original architect of e2 (pre AMP) - not that I have been involved for several years.  That said, digging in I have found at least 3 issues in AMP with this one workflow!

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