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1/1/1990 Date Issue

7 - Meteor

I am running my WF with an excel document containing the date 1/1/1990 but after running the WF, the dates are automatically switching to 12/31/1899.


Is there a way I can fix the WF so that it keeps the correct date of 1/1/1990?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Can you upload a workflow that shows the issue?

7 - Meteor

I attached an excel file with what the dates should be and then as soon as I input the file into Alteryx the dates flip from 1/1/1990 to 12/31/1899.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think you may have found a bug.


7 - Meteor

Any solution or workaround for the issue?

17 - Castor

Hi @emenendez2 


Assuming your title meant 1900, not 1990 since that's what's in your data. This is actually an interesting one. Alteryx seems to be removing 1 day for days in 1900 up until march 1st. This is because microsoft excel incorrectly considers 1900 a leap year, when in actuality it was not (years divisible by 100 and not 400 are not leap years). Here's another post on the topic:



I guess the workaround here would be to do an if statement to check if the date is before 3/1/1900 and add a day using the datetimeadd function






21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Nice shout 😁

7 - Meteor

I am thinking I should use the Formula tool for the IF statement. Do you know what the formula should look like to replace the 12/31/1899 with 1/1/1900?

17 - Castor

Hi @emenendez2 


That's correct. The below should work ([Date] being replaced with whatever your field is). This will update the one day in question. You could also do something like Date < '1900-03-01' if you have dates in Jan/Feb of 1900. I want to reiterate that this should be reviewed though as excel does not handle these dates correctly.


More info on datetime functions: DateTime Functions | Alteryx Help


IF [Date] = '1899-12-31'
THEN DateTimeAdd([Date],1,'day')
else [Date]


7 - Meteor

Thanks this worked perfectly!
