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Dublin, IRL

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Weekly Exercise Dublin #1

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


To kickstart this community in Dublin, I was thinking we could share our solutions to the weekly exercises Alteryx provides us. It would be an excellent way of sharing knowledge and make the community more active.


My suggestion for the first exercise is actually exercise #9, here's the description:


The objective is to determine the top 5 ranking based on the count, however since there are multiple rows with same count (similar to a round of golf) multiple people can be in the same place (Rank) if they have the same score.


While not being a very difficult problem, it is a good place to start and make this accessible to everyone interested. I have attached a file with the input and how the output should look like.



8 - Asteroid

Well done Carlos

5 - Atom

May not be technically elgant, but it's done !  Smiley Happy

8 - Asteroid

Great solution George,


Simple workflow but with a deep logic behind it, it is a neat solution. I think it contrasts well with my approach to the problem; I tried to solve it in a 'naive' way, without thinking too much and making the Alteryx tools do the work for me.

8 - Asteroid

I used a simple approach

8 - Asteroid

This is the solution to this challenge provided by Alteryx. Similar to mine and Giuseppe's. But great to see that George had a completely different solution, there's always so many ways to do the same thing in Alteryx!