Cheat sheets have such a terrible name. Maybe … empowerment notes? Shortcut page? Handy paper?
OK, none of those names have quite the same ring to them. We’ll stick with “cheat sheet,” I guess -- and I have one for you!
Below you’ll find our handy new Python Tool Cheat Sheet. If you’re using the Python Tool, this quick summary of some key functions should be useful. You’ll also find productivity-maximizing Jupyter Notebook keyboard shortcuts and some essential functions for manipulating your data with pandas

To make your life even easier, you can get this cheat sheet in three different forms, all linked at the bottom of this post: a PDF with live links to the resources on the bottom right, plus two options for desktop wallpaper, Windows or Retina-friendly for Mac users. If you’re working from home and maybe don’t have access to the office printer right now, just pop the wallpaper onto your screen and have it handy as a reference.
If you’d like to build a personal repository of Python-related cheat sheets, here are some more to check out:
I hope these guides are useful to you! Because when it comes to cheat sheets...