Important Community update: The process for changing your account details was updated on June 25th. Learn how this impacts your Community experience and the actions we suggest you take to secure your account here.

Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

Click in the JOIN GROUP button to follow our news and attend our events!

Save the Date for the January User Group Virtual Meeting, Friday, January 27th!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Happy New Year, fellow Alteryx User Group members!  We hope this year is off to a great start for each of you, and we are thrilled to begin 2023 with excellent presentations and exciting new events!


Please save the date for the upcoming January virtual meeting, which will be Friday, January 27th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Central time.  This virtual meeting will feature two presentations by Chad Martin, Founder of Data Prep U!  Chad will showcase some very cool Tips and Tricks, enabling faster use of Alteryx and innovative techniques.  He will follow with an engaging presentation on RegEx (Regular Expressions) in Alteryx and how these patterns can be utilized to achieve advanced results.


For more information on Data Prep U and the many services they offer, please visit Home ( 


An additional presenter will be announced soon, along with Zoom information, so please stay tuned!


Please also save the date in advance for the February user group meeting, which will be Friday, February 24th!  This meeting will be a special event in collaboration with UT Dallas and the Alteryx SparkED program, and will be held in person!  More information will be posted in the near future as well.


Thanks again to each of you for being a member; our user group is created "by users, for users" and is highly successful because of your support!  Looking forward to collaborating throughout this new year,


@Deanna and the DFW Alteryx User Group Leadership Team


cc:  @DataPrepChad 


10 - Fireball

Can't wait, Deanna, looking forward to a lively conversation with the group!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Alteryxians!  Just a reminder to join us today for the January DFW Alteryx User Group virtual meeting at 2:00 p.m. Central time!  We will have a special set of presentations by Chad Martin, Managing Partner at Data Prep U on Tips and Tricks as well as RegEx (Regular Expressions).  Home (


I will also present on using the Spatial toolset without the Location Insights Data bundle; it is commonly thought that the "green toolset" can only be used with the additional data packs, but you can actually do a lot with the spatial tools as long as you have latitude/longitude data, or even spatial objects already in your input datasets!


Please check out the event on the calendar page to RSVP and the Zoom link will be shown after reserving your spot:  DFW Alteryx User Group January Meeting! - Alteryx Community 


Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you today!


Deanna and the DFW Alteryx User Group Leadership Team

