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Hey all,
This is a call to my users at the user group to step up and bring some fun to the Xmas user group.
I am hoping people would like to share what they have learnt and achieved off the back off our goals we set at the beginning of the year.
If you would like to talk or bring something to the user group, now is your time to shine. 🙂
I know of a couple of you, who have perfect examples for this.
Or if you would like to bring a challenge to solve that would be cool.
I think I would like to introduce people to ADVENT of CODE, if you have heard of it and the BASE a ruleset. 🙂
So that's my contribution. Now it's your turn.
Bring your fun. Usual time 11-1 at JS - unless you would like to host... S*
Just spoke with Lauren and we have decided that the winner of the best contribution to the user group for this sessions, gets this amazing swag... (not the vehicle!) but the fantastic backpack displayed on the vehicle.
I look forward to seeing all your entries 😛 No matter how small. Its Christmas time when we meet 🙂
Thanks for clearing up that the bus wouldn't be given away, @Samanthaj_hughes ! I think Dean and Libby would be a little upset if the bus left Irvine and let's not to mention the cost of shipping! 😉
Due to very low interest, I have decided to postpone our Q4 meeting until after Xmas, we will no longer have a meeting on the 6th December.
I hope to rally up some speakers to share their extra-curricular Alteryx uses with us all, so if you do want to share some of your great stuff with the group please do get in touch. Don't forget that Alteryx SWAG is still up for grabs.
Enjoy your festive period everyone, and we shall see you in the New Year!
Its 2020 soon! 😮