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8 - Asteroid

I'm getting an error

"Error: Salesforce Input (7): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aiohttp'"


Does anyone know what that might be related to and how to resolve please?




7 - Meteor

Also, this new connector only list regular names for objects, not API names, like the old input tools. Is this expected behavior? How do we distinguish between 2 objects with same name, but different API names if they're listed with the same name with this new Input tool? I'm confused ...

It seems that it's also not working properly in a marcro where we want to use the "SELECT ALL" for control parameter simply does not select every fields. this worked for old connectors as well.
The problem with old connectors is that they don't see newest SFDC API, hence new standard objects won't show on those old ones.

7 - Meteor

Getting error that the SELECT FIELDS(ALL) syntax is not supported in this version of the tool.  Will this be updated soon, as having to input every field name in an object is extremely time consuming?  Thanks!




6 - Meteoroid

This new tool isn't great - all of the comments above are a step back from the previous tool (aside from the "FIELDS(ALL)" soql statement, as that wasn't available then either - but is definitely needed). My biggest frustration is the amount of failures it has. I regularly see: 


Error: Salesforce Input: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /services/oauth2/token (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x00000271A2014AF0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond'))


This is just an example from an object with less than 150 records, so it's hardly trying to retrieve much.

5 - Atom



Received information from Salesforce that Salesforce will retire API version 7-20 on May 1, 2022. See Seems that the Salesforce connector is using v 20.0. Do we plan to have an updated version?


BR, Ondrej


The Salesforce Input v4.0 - 4.3 are on API Version v42
5 - Atom

I downloaded the Salesforceinput_v4.3.4.yxi file. How do I install it? When I open it it says "Windows can't open the file" and prompts me to select an app. What do I select?


@rodgerh - open with Alteryx Designer

5 - Atom

I have a user that is using this connector and he's showing on our side in Salesforce as making v20 requests. Does he need to somehow upgrade the tool in order for this to change? He only started using Alteryx recently, so he should have the most recent version that is listed above (v4.2.4). I'm not seeing anything more recent than that one.


@jljones5 Check the Salesforce Output tool version.  An older version of this tool used v20.  The latest version, Salesforce Output v1.3.1 uses v42.

5 - Atom

Michelle - I am not seeing how to do that... I tried downloading it myself and it appears to have downloaded v4.2.4 and I'm not seeing a way to check for a more updated version.

5 - Atom

Hi Michelle - sorry, I'm referring to the Input tool, not the Output tool. Our issue is with the Input.


@jljones5 I understand; however, I had a customer with the same issue last week (seeing v20).  They thought it was caused by the Salesforce Input tool, and the culprit ended up being the Salesforce Output tool.  It's just a guess, but that's what I'd recommend checking.  If that's not the case, then I'd suggest opening a support ticket to investigate further.

5 - Atom

Does the Salesforce Input Tool Support SSO (Single Sign-On)?


7 - Meteor

For version 4.2.4 and 4.1.0 error as below.

  • Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 76, in pi_init RuntimeError: Internal Error: DecryptPassword - buffer too small (Tool Id: 1)
5 - Atom

Need to upgrade to Salesforce Input Tool v4.2.4 in all my workflows. Is there some easy way to do it or do I have to manually replace the connectors one by one (will take ages...). Thanks for any hint.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @ondrouchch and all - I'm not sure if you're updating the tool in prep for the older API services being canned by Salesforce (, but i've taken a look at the JS for the input tool and it appears to be using v34 (safe for a little while longer). 

SF Input Tool.png


I've also tested in one of our Saleforce UAT environments which has applied the API changes, and everything seems fine (both input and output tools).


I have the new version of the input tool, but just can't get it to work stably enough to use for production workflows. Hopefully the reprieve with the older Input and Output tools gives the @AlteryxProducts devs enough time to release a more stable set of tools to move to. 


@ondrouchch - when I did this in my own workflows, I found that after I installed the new version of the connector, that my designer automatically picked it up.  No extra work needed.  If I happen to need to use the older version, it then gave me the option when I right clicked on the tool to choose a version.  Hope this helps!

5 - Atom



I am having issues working with Salesforce Input tool : configuration items do not appear (same problem as here : )

Seems OK with Output Tool.

Any idea with what might be wrong?


Thank you

SF input tool error.PNGI get the below error when trying to install the SF input tool V4.2.4. Please can anyone guide me on how i can overcome this error and successfully install the tool? thank you V

5 - Atom

I am also encountering the same error ^. Kindly check on this. Thank you!



5 - Atom

As of 6/14 I am seeing this tool listed as "Deprecated" and causing a "GONE" error code. This is effecting our workflow. Have others encountered this recent error and are there any known solutions?

5 - Atom

I can get nothing from the latest version of the Salesforce input tool except an error message:    


Error: Salesforce Input (1): HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /services/oauth2/token (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001D670EB40B8>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed',))


The strange thing is that the "validate" button on the SOQL query works fine and returns the number of results.


Has anyone else seen this error or found a solution ?



6 - Meteoroid

@cal_s I see the same error - agree that it's weird it validates the query without issue but then seems to fail on run. I've not found a resolution, but thought I'd confirm you're no alone. Please @AlteryxProducts can you take a look at this :-(

6 - Meteoroid

I have been using this tool for awhile and have good experience so far but have not worked on any larger datasets.  My Question is has anyone been able to parameterize the login credentials as the client secret often changes and i have many Orgs that i am connecting to.  I was thinking of storing in user constant and referencing in the login if possible,   this way if any changes to login i just change one place.  Any ideas appreciated 

5 - Atom

Another issue I have with 4.0.0 and 4.2.4 is that I can no longer dynamically pass multiple tables through a macro and have a Control Parameter plus Action update the Table and/or Where clause values. Instead, I have to update the actual SOQL query that the Input tool builds out. Problem is, as mentioned above, the SELECT clause cannot accept an asterisk or FIELDS(ALL). So it throws a 400: Bad Request error since the default table within the macro obviously has it's own set of unique fields not found in the other tables getting processed. More info here:

5 - Atom
6 - Meteoroid

With deployment of Summer 22 version, it is no more possible to use API SOAP v20.0 that has been deleted, what is making Salesforce Input v4.2.4 impossible to use.

Is there a more recent version of this Salesforce input connector or should I patch it manually ? and How?



8 - Asteroid

@claudepromonet v4.2.4 is on the current version of the API. The issue is that tool is full of errors and no word from Alteryx on plans for a new one. All I hear is to use ODBC instead but that thing is full of issues too (for example, you can't use Date Literals) and you have to convert all WHERE clause syntax to SQL (but we've had issues with that too). Very frustrating. The most stable Salesforce Input tool is the deprecated one in Designer 2021.4, go figure. That one is not based on Python. Problem is, it is removed from Designer in 2022.1+. So you have to replace them before an upgrade, but then you start getting all these traceback errors and it doesn't play nice with non-AMP modules unless you upgrade to 2022.1+. But unfortunately v4.2.4 doesn't work within Macros (what the individual mentioned above about dynamically replacing Table or WHERE clause) so can't upgrade until that is fixed. So it's just this circular path of errors.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All


I'm trying to install the Salesforce Input tool, and hitting an odd error.

It stops with an error saying "No matching distribution found for aiohttp==3.3.2 (from -1 requirements.txt (line 1))"

This is for the Salesforce tool v4.2.4, and I'm running Alteryx Designer v2022.1.


All advice is welcome.




5 - Atom

Colin, the only advice I can give is from experience 4.2.4 doesn't  seem to work.  So you might be wasting your time.  I wish someone would fix it.

7 - Meteor

Hi Everyone,


I'm hoping others have encountered this error and can suggest a resolution. The error message occurs only on workflows with a Salesforce Input tool that has been scheduled on the server, not run on demand from the server. We have Salesforce Input tool version 4.2.4 installed. The message is as follows:


Error: Tool #200: Failed to create headless render instance: Failed to create headless window: Not enough storage is available to process this command. (8)

Error: Tool #200: Failed to receive initialization from JavaScript plugin, timeout "20000ms"


Note tool #200 is a Salesforce Input tool.




Any information will be helpful - thank you.


7 - Meteor

Seems like this tool doesnt show Saleforce FSC Objects. Are there any other alternatives?

5 - Atom

Alteryx ,please update update this tool. It doesn't work.

5 - Atom


I'm trying to install SalesForceInput and I get the following error. Can someone help me? Thanks




5 - Atom

Can we get a zip file of version 4.2.4 for the Salesforce input tool? Like many others, I also cannot download the tool from the .yxi and the only solution given thus far was to download a zip file. This works for the older version but i need the new one.


Solution in reference:

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you!  Using the zip file worked for me as well.  I agree that having a zip of the newer version would be nice, though.

5 - Atom

Hi..How to fix the below error. Need quick assistance to solve this issue.




7 - Meteor

Is this tool ever going to be updated to include oAuth? Or has Alteryx given up on supporting the Designer desktop tools  in favor or Designer Cloud?

5 - Atom

I can understand the frustration on this thread. I was getting the same error. I suggest setting up a meeting with Alteryx Support. My issue was resolved.

8 - Asteroid

Any updates on two known defects:




In August 2022 I was told v5.0 was under internal review to fix the first defect listed above (which is critical for being able to upgrade past 2021.4). Still no word and no response when I follow up with my support rep.

5 - Atom

Any idea why I only see 7 reports when using the "Existing Report" option?  There doesn't seem to be any reason these are the only ones appearing.  They actually exist in different folders and other reports in the same folders do not appear.




5 - Atom

I receive an error "Missing Incoming Connection" after credentials are entered and authenticated. Why do I have this issue?

5 - Atom

I updated to version 5.05 since 4.2.4 gave me a 401 error when scheduling on Alteyx Server.


I tested version 5.0.10 using SOQL that worked in the prior version 4.2.4. It threw a non-actionable error which stated "You have found a bug".

Additionally it's incredibly slow: when it tries to load metadata, sometimes I need to wait 10 minutes or more for every change.


Are others having the same experience?

5 - Atom


Hope this is an easy one. Trying out the Salesforce Input tool for the first time. I'm able to connect, select the table and Fields needed using the Query Builder...but getting an "Internal error: Failed to read port assignment" when running the workflow.


Any ideas?


Alteryx SW version: 2022.1.1.42636 Patch: 6

Salesforce Input tool version: 5.0.10



8 - Asteroid

New version seems very slow. Also, my WHERE clause keeps getting wiped out everytime you re-click the tool...anyone else experiencing that? I'd like to feed a macro individual record Id values and use an Action tool to update the WHERE clause...specifically just the Id value. But the WHERE clause text keeps removing 'AND Id = '{RecordId}'. These tools have been a disaster for years now.

8 - Asteroid

Examples of a macro with control parameter + action not actually updating the 'Table - Value' or 'Where - value' variables.  First example, feed it three unique Objects but it returns the same count meaning it didn't update the Object. Second example, feed 10 unique Id values from the same Object and only get the "default" value 10 times.

It forces you to update the massive SOQL string. Problem is, it throws an error if any fields are selected that are 'custom' to the Object...essentially making it impossible to use for dynamically querying any record from any Object and returning All fields. Something that made the deprecated tools so powerful.




7 - Meteor

Does the salesforce input tool somehow enforce pk chunking in queries if over a certain limit?  There was an incident caused recently that used up a large number of batches when running queries that would otherwise be one batch.  It seemed to do this when it hit 100k records.  I am trying to determine if this was done on the salesforce end, alteryx end or connector end.  Would anyone know anything about this?  

5 - Atom

The "WHERE Clause (SOQL)" statement keeps getting defaulted back to "IsDeleted=False". Although the query is saved in the "Custom Query SOQL Statement" section. This is extremely confusing and needs to be resolved.


A restart of the machine was also required in order for the tool to work after install.