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8 - Asteroid

I'm getting an error

"Error: Salesforce Input (7): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'aiohttp'"


Does anyone know what that might be related to and how to resolve please?




7 - Meteor

Also, this new connector only list regular names for objects, not API names, like the old input tools. Is this expected behavior? How do we distinguish between 2 objects with same name, but different API names if they're listed with the same name with this new Input tool? I'm confused ...

It seems that it's also not working properly in a marcro where we want to use the "SELECT ALL" for control parameter simply does not select every fields. this worked for old connectors as well.
The problem with old connectors is that they don't see newest SFDC API, hence new standard objects won't show on those old ones.

7 - Meteor

Getting error that the SELECT FIELDS(ALL) syntax is not supported in this version of the tool.  Will this be updated soon, as having to input every field name in an object is extremely time consuming?  Thanks!




6 - Meteoroid

This new tool isn't great - all of the comments above are a step back from the previous tool (aside from the "FIELDS(ALL)" soql statement, as that wasn't available then either - but is definitely needed). My biggest frustration is the amount of failures it has. I regularly see: 


Error: Salesforce Input: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /services/oauth2/token (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x00000271A2014AF0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond'))


This is just an example from an object with less than 150 records, so it's hardly trying to retrieve much.

5 - Atom



Received information from Salesforce that Salesforce will retire API version 7-20 on May 1, 2022. See Seems that the Salesforce connector is using v 20.0. Do we plan to have an updated version?


BR, Ondrej


The Salesforce Input v4.0 - 4.3 are on API Version v42
5 - Atom

I downloaded the Salesforceinput_v4.3.4.yxi file. How do I install it? When I open it it says "Windows can't open the file" and prompts me to select an app. What do I select?


@rodgerh - open with Alteryx Designer

5 - Atom

I have a user that is using this connector and he's showing on our side in Salesforce as making v20 requests. Does he need to somehow upgrade the tool in order for this to change? He only started using Alteryx recently, so he should have the most recent version that is listed above (v4.2.4). I'm not seeing anything more recent than that one.


@jljones5 Check the Salesforce Output tool version.  An older version of this tool used v20.  The latest version, Salesforce Output v1.3.1 uses v42.

5 - Atom

Michelle - I am not seeing how to do that... I tried downloading it myself and it appears to have downloaded v4.2.4 and I'm not seeing a way to check for a more updated version.

5 - Atom

Hi Michelle - sorry, I'm referring to the Input tool, not the Output tool. Our issue is with the Input.


@jljones5 I understand; however, I had a customer with the same issue last week (seeing v20).  They thought it was caused by the Salesforce Input tool, and the culprit ended up being the Salesforce Output tool.  It's just a guess, but that's what I'd recommend checking.  If that's not the case, then I'd suggest opening a support ticket to investigate further.

5 - Atom

Does the Salesforce Input Tool Support SSO (Single Sign-On)?


7 - Meteor

For version 4.2.4 and 4.1.0 error as below.

  • Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 76, in pi_init RuntimeError: Internal Error: DecryptPassword - buffer too small (Tool Id: 1)
5 - Atom

Need to upgrade to Salesforce Input Tool v4.2.4 in all my workflows. Is there some easy way to do it or do I have to manually replace the connectors one by one (will take ages...). Thanks for any hint.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @ondrouchch and all - I'm not sure if you're updating the tool in prep for the older API services being canned by Salesforce (, but i've taken a look at the JS for the input tool and it appears to be using v34 (safe for a little while longer). 

SF Input Tool.png


I've also tested in one of our Saleforce UAT environments which has applied the API changes, and everything seems fine (both input and output tools).


I have the new version of the input tool, but just can't get it to work stably enough to use for production workflows. Hopefully the reprieve with the older Input and Output tools gives the @AlteryxProducts devs enough time to release a more stable set of tools to move to. 


@ondrouchch - when I did this in my own workflows, I found that after I installed the new version of the connector, that my designer automatically picked it up.  No extra work needed.  If I happen to need to use the older version, it then gave me the option when I right clicked on the tool to choose a version.  Hope this helps!

5 - Atom



I am having issues working with Salesforce Input tool : configuration items do not appear (same problem as here : )

Seems OK with Output Tool.

Any idea with what might be wrong?


Thank you

SF input tool error.PNGI get the below error when trying to install the SF input tool V4.2.4. Please can anyone guide me on how i can overcome this error and successfully install the tool? thank you V

5 - Atom

Colin, the only advice I can give is from experience 4.2.4 doesn't  seem to work.  So you might be wasting your time.  I wish someone would fix it.

7 - Meteor

Can you get data from Salesforce using just the download tool?

5 - Atom

Hi I've just upgraded to latest version of Designer which has a newer version of the Salesforce input tool and I am getting the following errors when trying to run (the older version of the input tool on my existing workflows does works


Error: Salesforce Input (1): Internal error: Failed to read port assignment
Error: Salesforce Input (1): Internal Error - Deadlock detected (@1)


Does anyone have any ideas what the issue is?

5 - Atom

This tool is unusable until the WHERE CLAUSE bug is fixed.  Consider the implications while running workflows for bulk updates.  YIKES!


Is the source code available for forks and PRs?

6 - Meteoroid

I have installed the latest Salesforce Input tool v5.0.10 on my designer and Server. The workflow is running perfectly on the Designer, but while uploading my workflow I am getting the error for Salesforce Input tool - cannot receive access token. check your credentials.  


I am using Connect Manually ---> Authentication Method ----> Salesforce Credentials


When I am trying to use the older version Salesforce Input Tool v4.2.4, I am able to upload and run successfully on the Server.


Is there some bug with the latest version or some config error, can anyone please confirm and help here?

8 - Asteroid

@tcox0630 couldn't agree more. but I am sure it will take another two years before an update is made. and even then, something else will break. total joke what these once-awesome input tools have become.

@avinavb you need to be using DCM in order to have it on Server. Connect Manually does not work outside of desktop I believe.

6 - Meteoroid

Is anybody else using the latest version and having issues pulling any tables?


I see where it makes the connection to Salesforce on the backend, im not worried my token is wrong.. When running the workflow, plugin class successfully loaded, then the workflow just runs forever.


