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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

This morning we announced the release of Alteryx Analytics 9.0, the latest version of our market-leading platform for data blending and advanced analytics. Alteryx Analytics 9.0 delivers on our promise to put the power of the new world of customer data and predictive analytics into the hands of every analyst.


As our President and COO, George Mathew, says, “Alteryx is the software instrument of change for all analytical leaders from the back office to the boardroom.” To continue to be that ‘instrument of change,’ we are introducing three key elements to the platform:

  1. The flexibility to connect to and blend many new sources of customer insight
  2. The capacity to increase the size and scope of analytics
  3. The ability to unchain data that has been locked in legacy analytic platforms like SAS


It’s clear that the best decisions are made possible when you are able to leverage all available data for your analytics. From structured to unstructured, and on-premises to cloud, we have always put great emphasis on creating connectors that allow data analysts to work with all types of data. Based on customer feedback and our own observations in the industry, it’s clear that several new sources of data have emerged that have the potential to allow data analysts to make bigger, more informed decisions.


With Alteryx Analytics 9.0 we’re empowering analysts to better serve marketing and customer decision makers with the flexibility to blend social media data with your existing customer data. Our recently announced partnership with DataSift provides our customers with complete access to leading social networks and sources such as Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, WordPress, and LexisNexis. The product integration of DataSift augments our existing social media capabilities to put unprecedented customer insight just a few clicks away.


We also added connectors to Google Analytics and Marketo, which when combined with our existing connector to gives analysts access to data to measure sales and marketing effectiveness across the entire lifecycle of a prospect. And, we are helping analysts deal with the sources of customer data from new enterprise-scale data warehouses such as Amazon Redshift, Pivotal Greenplum and HP Vertica – all without having to depend on IT for access to the data.


Our second major objective with this release was to deliver an easy-to-use and ultra-scalable predictive analytics platform that can handle even the most sophisticated, Enterprise-class data analysis requirements. Alteryx Analytics already supported the number-one statistical language, R, via easy to use drag-and-drop tools. In this release we are incorporating the Revolution Analytics R Enterprise solution to enable processing of larger datasets, and allow data to be processed significantly faster than with open source R alone.


We also completely re-developed our on-premises server solution, unifying the user experience across the Alteryx Server and the Alteryx Analytics Gallery. We took the field-proven Gallery infrastructure, which has thousands of users and hundreds of apps, and made it available as an on-premises server solution. Our product management and development teams also spent a lot of time re-architecting how analysts develop and publish analytic apps to these environments, and the addition of some new tools and an interface designer have made it much simpler to create analytic apps.


The last set of capabilities was inspired by all of the people who are frustrated by legacy analytics platforms like SAS and SPSS. Some organizations have invested millions of hours (and dollars) in creating data in these proprietary formats, and this investment has prevented them from moving to a modern and intuitive analytics experience like Alteryx. This release allows data analysts to access data isolated in legacy SAS and SPSS analytics files, and easily blend it with all the other data an organization has. And, Alteryx can even write to SAS and SPSS file formats so analysts can use our intuitive workflow for data blending and advanced analytics to prepare data for SAS, without disrupting existing processes.


Our development team has done an incredible job in putting this release together. The feedback from our beta testers has been tremendous, and all of us here at Alteryx have been looking forward to the day when we can deliver Version 9.0 to you. That day is today, and I encourage you to visit to upgrade today and see what all the excitement is about.