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With the exciting release of Alteryx Analytics 9.0 there are changes to the user experience for trying Alteryx. Alteryx 8.5 introduced Alteryx Project Edition, which was a fully functioning version of Alteryx Designer that was initially capped at 15 output runs.


Every time you ran an Alteryx workflow and saved the output to an excel file, a database, or any other type of file, this constituted a run. After 15 runs, you could no longer export your Alteryx workflow to an output. You could still build out an Alteryx analytic workflow and add a browse tool to see what the final dataset would look like for as long as you wanted, but you couldn’t save the final output. It was a great way to continue to work in the product and get more comfortable with Alteryx.


With Alteryx Analytics 9.0 we are introducing something new with the Alteryx Designer Trial Edition. What does this mean to organizations and users looking to try Alteryx? The Alteryx Designer Trial Edition still delivers a fully featured version of Alteryx Analytics 9.0; the difference now is that instead of being limited to 15 output runs, the user will be limited to 14 days. After 14 days, users will still be able to use the software; they just will not be able to output the results.


If you are already using Alteryx Project Edition, it means two things: 1) you can continue to use Project Edition until your output runs ends, or 2) you can upgrade to the 14-Day Alteryx Designer Trial Edition and utilize the runs you have left with the new features in Alteryx Analytics 9.0. Regardless of what route you decide, users will still have the opportunity to easily use the intuitive workflow from Alteryx and start blending data and performing advanced analytics.


So with all of these great new features, don’t delay. Download the Alteryx Designer Trial Edition and try it for yourself.

Matthew Madden
Director, Product Marketing

Matt Madden is a Director, Product Marketing at Alteryx. Matt has over 16 years of experience in the analytics and enterprise software industry. During his career he has held roles in sales and marketing, both with the same goal, to help organizations realize the power and benefits that analytics can have on their business.

Matt Madden is a Director, Product Marketing at Alteryx. Matt has over 16 years of experience in the analytics and enterprise software industry. During his career he has held roles in sales and marketing, both with the same goal, to help organizations realize the power and benefits that analytics can have on their business.