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Alteryx has always been focused on making it simpler for users to blend, explore and model data using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. With this objective in mind, in Alteryx 10.0 we have introduced several new interactive visualizations for predictive analytics, to facilitate better data-discovery and model-exploration for all analysts.

We enhanced the Field Summary tool by adding an interactive dashboard output, consisting of expandable panels for each field in the data. Each panel consists of a histogram/column-chart, along with useful summary statistics that appear on mouse-over. The dashboard supports several interactive features, including the ability to zoom, filter and sort the panels.


Field Summary ToolField Summary Tool
(click to view animation)


We added interactive dashboard outputs to all our Time Series tools (ETS, ARIMA, TS Plot, TS Compare, TS Forecast and TS Covariate Forecast). The dashboard prominently displays important plots and performance metrics of interest. All dashboards have an integrated tour that takes an analyst through the features in the dashboard.


Time Series ToolsTime Series Tools
(click to view animation)


We added a new Network Analysis Tool that generates an interactive dashboard of a network, allowing users to explore relationships among various entities. The tool provides a visual representation of the network as well as key summary statistics that characterize the network.


Network Analysis ToolNetwork Analysis Tool
(click to view animation)


At Alteryx, we are extremely focused on creating tools that allow line-of-business analysts to transition from data access, to data blending, to predictive insights, to results in minutes.


We welcome you to try Alteryx 10.0 and its new features for yourself; download a free trial of the latest version of Alteryx Analytics 10.0.


To learn about other new features in Alteryx Analytics 10.0, watch our on-demand webinar, “Achieve Analytic Independence with Alteryx Analytics 10.0.”


Keep up-to-date on all of the key features in Alteryx Analytics 10.0 by following our new release blog series.

