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Grand Prix Europe 2019 Finalists Announced 


We’re gearing up for another exciting event that pits the fastest Alteryx users against one another on stage at Inspire Europe! Many competed in the preliminary round, but four competitors emerged on top and have earned their way to the finals that will take place Wednesday, October 16 at Inspire. 


Your four finalists for the Grand Prix Europe are… 


Esther Bezborodko (@estherb47 Esther has done all the weekly challenges and is hungry for more. She loves the parsing functionality of Alteryx, and she represents the NYC user group and her company, McKinsey & Co. 


Carlene Jones (@cjones514— Carlene feels ready to put her Alteryx powers to the test in this year’s Grand Prix. Her favorite tool is the Download tool, and she represents the Copenhagen user group and her company Novo Nordisk. 


Neil Lord (@LordNeilLord— Neil loves the weekly challenges and uses Alteryx over 20 hours per week. We’ll see if all that Alteryx usage will pay off! Neil represents the London user group and his company ClarusONE 


Tim Rains (@timrains— Tim is a 5+ year veteran of Alteryx and loves the Block until Done tool. He represents the Northhampton user group and his company, Sainsbury’s. 



Let’s congratulate our finalists and wish them luck! I hope to see you all at Inspire Europe October 14-17 in London for what will surely be a thrilling experience! 


Lastly, to help amplify your excitement, I’ll leave you with the Grand Prix from earlier this year in Nashville. 


Jimmy Garrett
Sales Engineer

Jimmy Garrett is manager on the Sales Engineering team at Alteryx and has been with the company for over 10 years.

Jimmy Garrett is manager on the Sales Engineering team at Alteryx and has been with the company for over 10 years.
