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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

If you’ve read Naked Statistics by Charles Wheelan, then Chapter seven should certainly have stood out as he talked about the importance of data when you’re doing statistical analysis.

I think his sentiment has an even broader relevance. The fact is that if you start with garbage data, you end up with garbage analysis regardless of your analytic talent – you can’t do it half way. Then as datasets continue to grow in size and diversity, it can become even more challenging to access, integrate, cleanse and blend your data – forcing you to base your data analytics on an increasingly shaky foundation.


That’s where Alteryx Project Edition comes into the picture. It provides you with a free analytics software platform to incorporate all the data you need, whether it’s from your corporate data warehouse, or an Excel file on your laptop, or from a cloud platform like, or even Twitter – the right data. Project Edition not only enables data blending from a wide variety of sources in a variety of different formats, it also enables you to use an unlimited amount of data to get the exact answer you need today.


Once you have the data you need, you can use a variety of data integration, cleansing and data blending drag/drop tools from among the 150+ tools available in Alteryx Project Edition. Like many data analysts you may spend as much as 60-80% of your time just getting data ready for analysis. With Alteryx you can flip those numbers - enabling you to spend 20% of your time working on the data, and 80% your time on the actual analysis.


Download Project Edition for free and see for yourself how to lay out a much stronger foundation for your analytics in a fraction of the time you spend today.





Dipesh Patel

Director of Product Marketing at Alteryx