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Using DCM (Data Connection Manager) with CReWs List Runner

5 - Atom

I've created DCM for Oracle OCI and synced the connection with Server. Desinger and Server version 2023.1.


Here are 2 scenarios that I wanted to test:

1. Standalone workflow when published to server, it runs fine using DCM connection.

2. When I run the workflow as a chained workflow using CReWs list runner macro, it throws an error : Selected Connection is not available. Set one up to use the tool. Why the synced connection is not picked up from user synced connection? 


Would you able to share your experience with using DCM with CReWs macro?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @neutron_star ,


I will take a guess here because I have never used DCM with list runner.


List runner runs local workflows, which means they will basically open a local Designer instance on the Server, probably under the service`s account name.

This Designer requires the DCM connections to be synced so I THINK, if you open your Server`s designer with the Service account / Run as credential and sync the connections there, maybe, just maybe, that will get your connections to work.



Fernando Vizcaino

5 - Atom

thanks @fmvizcaino.


we already have DSN connection set up with service account credentials and this works for list runner tool. This issue we are running into is our access provision method is very restrictive having access to selected database objects for service accounts and currently there is an embargo for getting access to new objects.


This is why we are exploring DCM with user database credentials which has access to more objects than the service account. I've also tried creating the connection in server using DCM without credentials but that does not get picked up. I still get the same error message.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @neutron_star ,


Let me expand on what I said:

1. When you use the List Runner tool, the tool uses the command line to run a workflow. I.e in your local Designer, it will open the command line with your user, whereas in Server, it will open using the Service Account / Run as credential configured by your Server Admin

2. The command line behind the scenes is basically opening a Designer instance with the user that runs the workflow. In the Server`s case, it will be the Service Account / Run as credential

3. Whenever a workflow is run on the Server, by you or scheduled, the user running the workflow is the Service Account / Run as credential, meaning that this user has to have access to everything. Even if everything means connections configured with a user credential.

4. For DCM to work in any Designer, the connections must be synced between Designer and Server. In order to work on the Server, you have to sync DCM the same way as you did on your local Designer, so in the Server`s case, you have to open the Designer as the Service Account / Run as credential user and sync the DCM.




Fernando Vizcaino


5 - Atom

Hi @fmvizcaino,


We've configured DCM connection on server designer using same name, synced but still getting same error message. i was hoping to get a different error message after configuring on server, but not sure what else i need to look into. 


I've check the server settings for DCM and it is enabled  with below (enterprise security settings prevents me from  uploading images):


  • DCM Mode: "DCM as Default"
  • SDK Access Mode: "AllowAll"
  • Allow Override by User
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @neutron_star ,


Is your server running with a Service account / Run as credential? If you log in to your server with your personal credentials, the connections will be synced only for your user. You have to sync the credentials for the user responsible for running the workflows, and that is the Service account / Run as credentials.


Here is more about credentials so you can grasp what I mean.



Fernando Vizcaino