Hi All,
I am very new to Alteryx environment but want to adapt it. I have a couple of basic questions:
1. I need to process data ti the tune of ~200 GB (of text data) at a time. So, will I need an Alteryx server or just having Alteryx Designer will do? (Hardware should be no limit as I plan to use AWS to create my machine).
2. I am moving from SAS to Alteryx, so my only requirements are read data, process data, and share the workflows I created to process data. No publishing, no scheduling cts. Do I still need the Altryx server or just the Alteryx Designer will do?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Ankit,
To frame your understanding of the server a bit better, you can think of Alteryx Server as offering:
Based on your described needs, it sounds like a cloud-scaled Alteryx Designer instance will give you the ability to process your data. If you need to share the actual workflows with colleagues you'll just need to ensure that you have the correct number of Designer licenses for your team. When you start to need the functionalities above, that's when the Server will give you the next level of Self Service analytics capability.
All the best,
Thanks Nick,
This clears up some vital basic questions for me. Just a couple more to follow up your answer:
Can I have a large scale cloud server and have multiple licenses installed on the same machine so that we can create multiple user accounts and all can work on the server?
Also, say if I create work flows on my machine with a valid license, will another machine with a valid licernse be able to use/modify the work flows? (say if I copy and share the work flow files themselves).
Thanks again!
By server I meant multiple Designer licenses on a AWS cloud server (not Alyeryx server)