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Set Default Date for Date Interface Tool

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

I have a Gallery app where I have two Date interace tools.  I need to set a default value of the first one though to always be at DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(), -365, 'days') when the user opens the app to run it.

The date should still be configurable by user, but almost always the user chooses 365 days ago for the starting date. 

Has anyone come up with (or is there natively) a way to create defaults for the Date Interface?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @patrick_mcauliffe,


I don't know of any work-around to set a default date, however what I do is use a check box with the date nested underneath, so if the checkbox is not ticked then the date is automatically set to DateTimeDiff(DateTimeNow(),-365,'days'), otherwise the date is exposed....


Image 001 - 20161018 - 151007.png



8 - Asteroid

Hi @KaneG @patrick_mcauliffe ,


Thank you for your reply. Please can you do a mock up Alteryx workflow on how you connected the Check box tool to the date tool to automatically set the Date to DateTimeDiff(DateTimeNow(),-365,'days').

7 - Meteor



i am also in need of defaulting the date in UI. were you able to solve this ?


thank you


8 - Asteroid

Sorry, I was not able to solve it. Alteryx Support said it is not possible to set default date in Date tool