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Saving several sheets in an excel file

7 - Meteor


I want to save several sheets in a single file in excel when running a flow on the server.
I had an issue where it would try to open the same file several times since it had several output tools, to solve it, I used a crew Macro "paralel block until done" and it worked when running the designer.

However, it gives out the error: "Cannot find macro "CReW_Version.yxmc"." when running on the server. When managing the assets, I check the box for the crew macro, however, it does'nt seem to solve the issue. Does anybody know another way to save several sheets in a single excel file or a way to solve the error that I am finding right now?


Hi @VendraminiCA - While CReW macros are very popular, they are not officially supported. I suggest you to try the Block Until Done instead:

7 - Meteor

Thanks. I had to do some changes to the flow, but it eventually worked.

The issue that demanded the changes was that I had information exiting from the middle and left outputs of an "join" block, and both of those went into the same excel file. Is there a way to make one flow happen before the other without the use of "crew" macros?