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Saving a file that was created using the server

7 - Meteor

I want to save a file that was created when I run a flow in the server. I used the "output data" tool and gave the full file path, however, the alteryx server allways transform it into an downloadable file in the server and doesn't save the file in the correct location.

I already tryed uncheck the output in "Manage assets" and creating a folder directly into the "C:" location so that alteryx doesn't associate it with an user. IT still doesn't work.

Any clues?


The output should be a full UNC path. For example: \\SERVER\SHARE\Filename.xlsx 


A fast way to configure the output tool to save to a local Excel file (remember Alteryx is going to ask for the worksheet name), and then replacing the "local" with the UNC.


In case you want to do it manually, remember to add  |||Sheetname to the path:(\\SERVER\SHARE\Filename.xlsx|||Sheetname )

7 - Meteor

So, it is impossible do save it in the desktop, for example?


Hi @VendraminiCA,


It would make more sense to save to either a UNC path or use one of Sharepoint or OneDrive tools to write to a specific shared folder. This is because the computer where Server is installed on does not necessarily have access to the desktop of the person running the workflow. Further, if the workflow is shared and meant to be used by several individuals which desktop will the server refer to?


I hope this clarifies your question a bit

7 - Meteor

The ideia is to save the results in a folder on the computer that runs the server, not the users desktop.


The results of the workflow are stored on the MongoDB associated with the server. They can always be retrieved from there, I can see how you can leverage a script that regularly copies those resultant files to a directory of your choosing.

Either that or have Server write to a shared folder via UNC pathing or OneDrive

7 - Meteor

I don't exactly know how. But the IT department from the company I work for discovered a path that works to save the file anywhere in the computer. If you put "\\localhost\c$\" you can save it directly in the C: driver. You can then add "Users\NAME\Desktop\FILENAME" for example and save it anywhere.
Thanks for the help, guys.