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Restart Alteryx System Setting on server will impact on running workflows

9 - Comet

Hi All,


This is regarding Alteryx System setting option.

In my server there is two workflows are running and one scheduler workflow is running (for example

:72% completed).


During this run if I do some changes in Alteryx Setting -> Worker -> General option I assign a Job Tags.

After assigning the job tag I click on Finish button.


My question is once I click on FINISH button does my Alteryx services will restart?

And is there any impact on my running workflow or scheduled workflows? will it stop the scheduler and other workflows which are in queue?


Thank you in advance.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @alt_tush ,

You are correct in thinking that clicking "Finish" will restart your server. From my experience, any workflows that are currently running (say, your example of a workflow that is at %72 when you click the button) will complete their tasks and close out. Any workflows that are scheduled or queued up will remain queued until after the Server is restarted, at which time Alteryx Server will continue working its way through the queue again.


One thing to call out, if you are assigning Job Tags for the first time, make sure that you leave at least one machine in the cluster that is capable of taking any kind of job, even the ones with no tags. Otherwise, any jobs without tags will queue indefinitely until the situation is fixed.


Good luck and let us know how it goes!