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Question on MongoDB Schema: how to get the start time (not en-queued time) of a job ?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



I want to create a Tableau Dashboard to check which the jobs were running on the server every day.

To feed data to the Dashboard, I created a workflow to collect data on the server MongoDB,

which is scheduled at midnight to get the data for the previous day.


I use "AS_Queue" collection of "AlteryxService" Database to get
  [AppName], [Creation Date Time], [Completion Date Time], [Status], [AS_Application__ID], [SubscriptionId].

After adding [email] and [workflow name] from other collections, I fed the data to Tableau to visualize.


The Dashboard shows the data as below.

As you see, 10 jobs were created at around 5:00 AM, but they all waited for the completion of an earlier job.

From this result, I guess the [Creation Date Time] is actually the en-queued time (when a job was add to the job queue),

not the job-start time (when the job was passed to the worker for execution).

I want to know which jobs were running on the Workers at a specific time, but
I guess [Creation Date Time] does not serve for this purpose.

I looked at the MongoDB Schema document, but could not find the field to serve for the purpose.


Could you advise where I should look at to get the above data?

( I am thinking of parsing the Engine Logs, but I would prefer getting the data from MongoDB. )


Thank you,

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Yoshiro_Fujimori ,


Which version is your server currently in? In 23.2, you have the Execution Time available as a column, which is exactly what you need.


If you are using a lower version, I`m almost sure you can extract the __servicedata information, and the execution time will be available there. I`m attaching the service data parser tool that can help you with that.



Fernando Vizcaino

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula


In 2023.2, you can refer to 'ExecutionStartTime' and 'ExecutionTime' in AS_Results.   

In 2022.3, we didn't have the above data in AS_Results, so we had to calculate the execution time or start time with combo of data from different schema. However, in more recent version, we are able to get those data in more manageable/easier way as described above. 

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@fmvizcaino and @gawa ,


Thank you for the information. It helps a lot.

Unfortunately the server version is still 2022.3 and so I need to go with the ServiceDataParser.yxmc.


I do not have access to the terminal of the Server machine. So I would test it on Gallery ;)

I will get back to you when I get any outcome next week.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @fmvizcaino and @gawa ,


Today I put the ServiceDataParser.yxmc in my workflow and it worked like a charm! Thank you again.


Now that I have enough data to calculate the Execution Start Time,

I would work on Tableau to diplay Creation Time, Execution Start time and Completion Time as a Stacked Bar Chart.

(but it is not the topic here😉)