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Issue with publishing flows with Athena Connection to gallery




I have set up a DSN less connection to Amazon Athena and stored it on the gallery . If i try to build a connection using an input tool on my local machine it connects seamlessly to the data connection using the gallery and workflow runs fine. But if I publish it back to the gallery it throws an error as below:

  • Error SQLDriverConnect: [Simba][DriverIAMSupport] (8600) Connection Error: No AWS profile found: produser (Tool Id: 1)". I have the same version of the Simba Athena ODBC driver installed on server as well as local machine with AWS 

Can anyone please help ?




PS: I have used the connection string as per defined here : Troubleshooting AWS Athena Connections - Alteryx Community

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@veekay123 Based on that error, I'm guessing that you're using the IAM Profile option in your DSN-less connection string. When you run that on your machine, it can find the AWS profile (see page 13 of this doc that talks about the credentials file location:%USERPROFILE%.awscredentials). When it runs on the server, the error means there was a problem finding that AWS profile/credentials file. You'll need to see what account is actually running the job and if that server has the AWS profile setup similar to your machine. 


Hopefully that points you in the right direction!


Thanks @patrick_digan . It is a valid point. I will check it out.