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Interface - multiple excel tabs in input *SOLVED*




I was able to resolve this.  Start with sheet names, but filter on the correct sheet name afterwards and then run the usual macro.



I want a user to upload 1 excel file with 5 tabs (always the same layout, different data) and run a workflow.  The output will also be 1 excel file with 5 tabs.

In the workflow, I do different calculations on each tab (the tabs contain different sorts of data).


In designer, for myself, I can read in the sheet names and use a macro to get all tabs, but in the server version, this does not seem to work.  I've tried a lot of things, but none seem to work. I'm a beginner, certainly when it comes to macros.


It would also be nice if the user could pick a file and would not get the extra question on which sheet they want to use.

Does anyone have any tips or an example on how I can start the flow?


Writing to an export file does seem to work.  I managed with one of my tries, but I get the data from 1 input sheet outputted to every sheet - currently, I no longer have a macro running, so probably that will be the root cause.

I'm currently working with an easy example to reduce the running time, which I can share.



Kind regards,
