Hi all,
I hope you are safe and healthy!
For security reasons, you are unable to browse to a local directory/documents drive on your machine for the Alteryx Server machine to read from.
(see detail here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Discussions/Saving-a-Workflow-with-Directory-Tool-...)
The error message you are recieving is the server machine trying to reach your personal C: documents folder, which it does not have permissions to. Have you tried replicating your process with the files staged on a shared directory? Note that the Alteryx Server will need a UNC path and the correct permissions to read this drive. There may also be implications due to the configuration of the Server itself (e.g. 'safe' mode).
Find more detail on Gallery input/output support here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Discussions/Gallery-Input-and-Output/td-p/458222
Hope this helps!
David Thorpe
Sales Engineering
Hi David,
Thank you for your reply.
My colleague already tried to connect his workflow to a google shared drive but it also produced an error pop up.
I believe probably this is due to we have not set any UNC path or setting up permission to read the shared drive.
I am bit confused about the UNC path and setting up permission to read a shared directory. In the alteryx server, how and where we can set an UNC path and the permission to read a shared directory?
Regarding the 'safe' mode configuration, is it preferable or is it a safe thing to do if I change it into unrestricted?
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
I really appreciate it David.
Warm regards,