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File Browse Tool - File Upload Error!

7 - Meteor

Just looking into publishing an example workflow that uses the file browse tool.


I have managed to get this working on Designer and it does succesfully publish to server - however I'm greeted with an error:


"File Upload Errror


Requested file is either too large or the file format is unsupported:




Which is unexpected as the file is .csv and under 1KB in size.


Any ideas on this would be much appreciated.


8 - Asteroid

For the .csv, what is the encoding?  I have seen some issues that were blown up text if a .csv is saved as the wrong UTF or ANSI or Unicode.  Then the .csv opener is fooled. 

UTF-8 is the what the files should be.

Local machine may recognize the subtle difference.  Server may be more particular.


Good luck,




5 - Atom

I found what might be the fix for this, as it worked for my workflow to fix the same XLSX file upload error issue. In the Browse Tool properties, change the configuration from "Arbitrary File Specification > Text Files"


"Standard Database File Formats".