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Error running Logistic regression with categorical values

5 - Atom

Hi, I am new user. I am using Predictive - Logistic Regression to make a predication, but am getting the following errors


Tool #214: Tool #30: The field "Fit:_Stats" is not contained in the record.

Logistic Regression: the target variable must only have two unique values.

Tool #127: Error in (read.Alteryx(#1)$Object)[[1]]: Too l #127: The R.exe exit code (1) indicated an error,


I have tried everything I can think of to solve the above and nothing has worked. Also, my target variable is binomial (only 1 or 0) and it keeps saying that it does not only have two unique values.


I have attached my workflow. Please if anyone could help me it would make my life better. 


Thank you so much!









That is odd, as it definitely suggests the error is due to having an incorrect number of values. 


Do you definitely have 2 values, you will get the same error if you have only one value or if you have 3 or more.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @isafb 


Just to check, add a unique tool after the filter and see how many unique values are in your target.

