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Error opening file.

11 - Bolide

Hi all,

I have a workflow that I created on my local designer. 


The workflow takes an excel sheet from my SharePoint site, does some work, then puts the output to a Tableau server as a .hyper file.


After testing the workflow and fixing any bugs, I then pushed it to my server.


I then went to my designer on my server and ran the workflow.


It ran errors.  I then saved it to my server.  It saved and validated successfully.


I then go to the workflow on the server via the browser, and go to run it there.

...and I get the following error....





The file that it is referring to (green highlight) is a file that sits on the server, I was able to find that file with success, and saw no issues.


What is stopping me from running my file on the server thru the browser.  BTW...I've tried running it manually, and thru a schedule...all with the same outcome.


Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated.



14 - Magnetar

Is that file sitting on a folder that is under your user account? If so, the system account that is running the workflow does not see that path. You need to insert your own credential when saving the workflow to the Server. If that option is not available you need to contact your Server admin to enable that option.

9 - Comet

Hi @prpatel 


The output hyper file is getting saved on your local path and trying to search the same path while running on alteryx gallery (server).


Make sure its pointing to tableau server/ accessible shared path and alteryx server account is having required access to save it on tableau.

11 - Bolide

@gabrielvilella & @AsmiDesai ,


I am using my credentials...I'm not only a user, but admin as well.

What I don't understand is that this is one workflow of 30+ that is failing because of this.


I'm a bit stumped as to why this is.

14 - Magnetar

Maybe Alteryx support can help you with this. I don't know what could be the issue. 

11 - Bolide

@gabrielvilella so here's the deal....


The full error message is:


Error opening the file "Tool#227:F:[location and file name]": The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect. (123)


I had to shorten the location names in the server settings to see the full message.

9 - Comet

Hi @prpatel 

This issue seems to be related to windows server operating system, check what is operating system of your alteryx server and check this link:


5 - Atom

Hello! Were you able to find a solution? I get the same error when running the Analytic App in the Gallery server!