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Error SQLDriverConnect: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no

7 - Meteor



I have a problem with my workflow, which runs well on the Alteryx Desktop (Designer) version. However, when I published (saved as) it to the Gallery, it doesn't work with the below error:


  • Error SQLDriverConnect: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified (Tool Id: 1)


The workflow is connecting to DSN (Smartsheet) through ODBC connection that I set up (System DSN).

Does anyone know how to fix it?



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @MarekRe 


DSN connection set is specific to the system. Unless the DSN connection is setup on Gallery (similar to your desktop) by gallery admin workflows using DSN will not work on gallery. 


An alternative is to use connection string directly instead of DSN in the input tool. And this should ideally work with no extra configuration on gallery.


Hope this helps : )



7 - Meteor

Thanks for the response @atcodedog05 !


Could you help me to understand what does it mean: to use connection string directly instead of DSN? 


This is how I set up the connection:


Not sure if it matters, but I am using Virtual Machine on AWS for this project. Thanks again! 🙂

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @MarekRe 


oh sorry, I thought it was a generic database😅. I am not much aware of smart sheets.


Then it's the first option you can check with your Gallery admin to set this DSN on the Gallery system.


Additionally, you can drop a mail to the Alteryx Tech team they might be able to provide you with more guidance.


Hope this helps : )

7 - Meteor

That is helpful, I will check with the admin. Thanks! 🙂

5 - Atom


I'm also facing exact same issue, where DSN Connection string fails on gallery and redshift bulk loader needs DSN connection string.

are you able to solve this? If not, did you use any other workaround?

6 - Meteoroid



I am also facing the same issue. My workflow is throwing same error. How to do DSN connection is setup on Gallery?
Can you please share the steps?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Make sure you have set up the connection as a System Connection  (a User Connection is insufficient for use on Gallery.)2023-05-22_15-35-53.png

Lisa LePome
Principal Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.