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Does AlteryxGallery/Mongo work with a CA File present?

6 - Meteoroid

With user managed mongo, will Alteryx function with both client side and server side certificate validation setup on mongo?  


I have an Alteryx/Mongo instance that works with an HTTPS enabled gallery and mongo with a certificate that identifies itself in the tls.CertificateKeyFile part of the config file.  


When I add a certificate authority file to the mongo config, everything falls apart.  The Alteryx Service logs seem to indicate that the mongo connection is made successfully, but when the gallerydaemon tries to start, it throws 400's until the start cancels.  I cannot tell if this is an Alteryx or Mongo issue, and it only occurs when I try to define a CA file.  That is why my current question is whether Alteryx/Mongo even support using a CA file for client validation, but any other thoughts are welcome as well! 



14 - Magnetar

I don't think this is supported. I recommend you open a support ticket to have a definitive answer. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

As far as I know - Alteryx only supports basic authentication with Mongo, but I may be mistaken.


@T_Willins - do you know the answer to this one, or know the right person in the Server team at Alteryx to copy on this thread?