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Connecting Standalone Gallery Node to Replica Set

7 - Meteor

I'm attempting to configure a multi-node server with each service (Gallery, Controller, Worker, MongoDB) running on separate nodes. In this case, we have 4 Worker nodes, 3 Controllers configured for HA, 2 Gallery nodes, and a 3-node MongoDB replica set. When configuring the Gallery node persistence, I enter the following into the "Host" field: rs0/host1:port,host2:port,host3:port


This approach works when configuring the Controllers. However, the Gallery is unable to connect to the replica set with this approach.  The Gallery is able to connect to each of the MongoDB hosts individually, but cannot connect to the replica set. Further, I am unable to take the approach of allowing the Gallery to inherit its persistence settings from the Controller, as that box is greyed out and cannot be clicked.


Any idea what's causing this? Thanks!



7 - Meteor

Answering my own question here. For Gallery persistence to connect to a replica set, you must exclude rs0 from the host name.

7 - Meteor