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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Collections not found after Server update

6 - Meteoroid

After updating Alteryx Server from 2018.2 to 2019.2 we lost access to our Collections:




When click on one of them we get a 'page not found' message:

page not found.JPG

I also cannot remove and re-add them again, nor create new Collections:

create collection.JPG


The workflows do still exist in the Private Studio and those workflows that were publish Gallery-wide are also still there. 


Anyone experienced this as well and managed to resolve it?




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @RsRoel,


Sounds like the DB is corrupt. This may require some help from support. However, a quick fix is to create a new Data Folder. When you are running through System Settings for Server, point to that new data folder. This should resolve the collections error you are having. The only catch is that you will have to re-upload your collections. See screen shots below:



6 - Meteoroid

@MichaelSu thanks, it seems indeed to be an issue with the DB :)When creating a new one the Collection error is resolved. 


The drawback however is that we also lose all our user settings, permissions, collections, workflows/apps, schedules, shared data connections and subscriptions..


Are you aware of a method to at least safe some of that (especially the shared data connections) from the old DB? As this is also not corrupted at the moment. 




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You can look at the Server log files to get a better understanding of what's going on - see link below.

The best bet would be to reach out to Alteryx Customer Support ( and they should be able to help you out.

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks @MichaelSu for the help. Have contacted support who hopefully finds a solution 🙂 

6 - Meteoroid

I was having (what appeared to be) the same issue.


The solution was to clear the browser history.  Collections came back (they never really went anywhere).


Your mileage may vary - but try that first.

6 - Meteoroid

@RsRoel Did you ever find a solution for this? We ran into the same issue and haven't got any luck solving it. We don't want to lose all the settings as you mentioned you did. Please let me know how did it go.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



I would suggest reaching out to our Support team for assistance. This issue can be environmentally specific and they should be able to assist you.



5 - Atom

@pjarrard Clearing browse history did the trick for me. Thanks!