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Cloud UserId (__cloud:UserId) Text Box Appears in Web Interface

10 - Fireball

This was driving me nuts so I thought I would post the answer in case someone was pulling their hair out.


If you weren't aware already, you can add a Text Box interface tool into your Alteryx Server analytic workflow to obtain the userId value of the workflow user. You can then pass that value through whatever database(s) you are using to store all of the administrative values on the backend.


Good stuff though I'm not sure why the Alteryx folks set it up to be more like an Easter Egg than just a readily available tool:


1. Create a Text Box interface tool

2. Place the following text into the Enter the text or question to be displayed. Please note, this is case sensitive and there are two underscores leading the text:



_ _ c l o u d : U s e r I d


3. Also place this same text into the Name: field in the Annotation section.




I had done everything except this last part and I was pulling my hair out as to why that box was showing up in the web interface of the server.


All better now. Yay! 😁

17 - Castor

Yes! And if you copy the text box into a new workflow the Name will reset and you'll have to put __cloud:UserId in again. Spent more time than I'd like to admit troubleshooting that one 😂

10 - Fireball

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND that's precisely what I did to create this fun hot dog of an annoyance.

10 - Fireball

So the "Solution" to this post:


  1. You should be utilizing this tool for seemless interaction with users. Pretty much all "apps" should have this in it IMO.
  2. Be careful when you copy and paste this Interface Tool because it will wipe out the tool name and you'll need to re-input the __cloud:UserId keyword name.
