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Can Workflow Owner be changed to another user in Alteryx Server

8 - Asteroid

Hi ,


I wanted to know weather Workflow owner can be changed in Alteryx Server Kindly please help 


Thank you

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @ashokkumar1 ,


As far as i know its a No whoever first saved the workflow is owner. You can "save as" workflow to create a copy where you can become owner.


Hope this helps 🙂



8 - Asteroid

Thank you @atcodedog05 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help : ) @ashokkumar1 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @atcodedog05 


I am Gallery admin and want to open new collections. Each time I want to add my self to a collection, I am receiving the error message "...  could not be added to the collection. Request failed with status code 400". What might be the reason for that?


Thank you in advance

7 - Meteor

@ashokkumar1   you probably found out by now but if you are creating the collection you are the owner and therefore would not need to add yourself...and this is a different topic from the purpose of this thread and so should have been its own and not on this thread.