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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Bulk Updates From Local to Gallery Connections

8 - Asteroid

We have about 150+ workflows that have multiple local data connections. Our group is moving to server and we need to update our data connections from local to gallery.


Is there an easy way of bulk updating our connections from local to gallery? Is there a macro or something built?


We have at most 10-20 different data connections but we have 150+ workflows that use these data connections. It seems pretty repetitive to open each workflow and update each "Input Data" tool (or whatever) from a local connection to a gallery connection.



I found this helpful article from a couple of years ago, but we have to repeat the process a few hundred times.


Unfortunately,  it is not possible to mass update the Data Connections (from local to Gallery connection) on your existing workflows

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @Brian_Stoffel ,


I would recommend checking out the Workflow Admin Manager (WAM). It allows users to simplify Alteryx administration by providing comprehensive Alteryx audit reporting, the ability to mass change anything related to your workflows, and the ability to track and lock your workflows. It is really helpful for finding and/or replacing data sources, filters, formulas, etc. to many workflows; update multiple workflows when file paths, connection names, or business logic changes; ensure production version integrity; revert to prior versions of a tracked model; identify duplicate workflows; switch all workflows to relative paths to ensure workflows work across teams; and perform audit reporting to provide details related to workflow that can be shared with anyone. More info can be accessed at the link below.!app/Workflow-Admin-Manager-for-Alteryx-by-Capitalize-Analytics/5fb3ff2...