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App execution from Server: Workflow results: disk space/sharing

7 - Meteor

Hi All

I have a workflow that produces excel file. I have added File browser interface so user can select the file name. Whenever user executes the workflow then user can enter the file name and file is available for download upon completion. 


Note: I know storing on shared drive is an option but we want to try without shared drives hence all these questions.


Question 1: If 50 users execute the workflow then will it have 50 copies on the server? If so, then disk space utilization is based on number of users executing the workflow. Is it right? Is there any way the final file can be saved to user's desktop so that server disk space is not utilized? 


Question 2: I see that workflow results are visible if you requested the run on the server. Is there anyway workflow results can be shared? For example: We have team of 5 people and all of them utilize same report. Is there anyway only one person executes it in the morning and remaining people can just go and download from the server without executing it?


Thank you


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I am not 100% sure about question 1. I know that if you use the Render tool to generate your output file and you don't specify a path, the file can be downloaded to the user's local drive, but I think the file also gets saved in a temp folder within the controller workspace.


Wrt question 2, since version 2018.4 of Server, there is an option that can be enabled to share results and schedules of a workflow within a private studio. I don't think it's enabled by default. Have a look at this post  (page 2, 3rd last comment) for more details:

7 - Meteor

Thank you David for taking time to answer the questions.


Regarding question 1, you are correct about Render. It stores the file in temp folder on server but its using server disk space. Is there any way we can directly download to user's desktop and not utilize server disk space at all for final file?


Question 2: I did enable the feature and tried this test. Person X and Y are in same studio. Person X executed the workflow and I asked person Y to see if he can check the results and person Y could not see the workflow results or execution. Let me try to schedule the workflow and then try. I will keep you posted.