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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Alteryx Server

8 - Asteroid

Hi Experts,


I have installed Alteryx server in AWS. After installation  i logged into gallery but when i want to sign out of that i am not finding an option to sign out button.Please look at the screenshot.




In alteryx Server guide i have read that the Admin page opens and the following functions display in the left menu.

  • System

Some thing like the below screenshot:



But in my environment iam not able to see it. Please look at the below screenshot;




Please help me with this.





ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hey Tharashasank,


So, I work for an alteryx partner who has an alteryx server installation. This process requires a login.


In this scenario I have the sign out option available when I select the settings cog.


However, I am also doing some work for a client who has an alteryx server instance. In their case they use SSO (i.e. when I open alteryx server I don't have to login, it takes my windows credentials). 


In this scenario I have the same functionality as yourself, i.e. no sign out option available from the settings cog.


I think this is as expected, but perhaps an alteryx engineer could clarify further.

5 - Atom



Thank you for posting this. I am also having trouble finding a way to log out.

5 - Atom
Hi BenMoss,
Could you please let me know the steps how we can use SSO in our Alteryx server.

8 - Asteroid

Please add logout and session time out functionality to Alteryx server with windows auth as it is high risk security risk. Thank you