Hey everyone,
I just upgraded my company's STG Gallery from 2020.4 to 2021.4 and noticed that our integrations, which uses Alteryx API to run some workflows stopped working.
I was aware that with the upgrade the new API v3 would become available and V2, V1 still exist.
After poking around i realised that there are now available two set of keys and secrets:
1 ) Private Studio API Key and Private Studio API Secret
2) API Access Key and API Access Secret
Before the upgrade i was using the keys under 1) however after the upgrade they don't work and only 2) work.
(Not sure if it's worth mentioning new user that registered to the gallery after the upgrade only has 2)
While changing the key to the newer ones from the integration won't be very hard, i would like to see if there is a way to resolve this from my side or see if i did something wrong in the upgrade , before contacting the integration developer to change the key
We just upgraded to V22 and had the same experience. It was never explained exactly why we could not use the Original Private Studio keys but we had to make the API calls work and moving to the API Access keys did the trick.
Hey !
Yeah but the issue is that when i move to production i will have a lot of downtime for the integration until the developer provides me with a new deployment :/