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Alteryx Gallery users: The password reset link & Confirmation code is not exists in email

5 - Atom

I have setup the Alteryx Server Multi-Node environment with HA controller using the Microsoft Failover cluster. Everything is working fine, but when gallery users are tried to reset their password or request for confirmation code the email does not include the password reset link or confirmation code. Can anyone tell me why this issue happens?

Here is the email that the user received.


Congratulations! You now have access to Alteryx Server.

To confirm your email address, please click on the following link: {2}

If the link does not work, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Alteryx Server using your email and password: {0}
2. Click on the warning icon on the top right corner
3. Choose I have my code and enter the confirmation code: {1}



A request to change your password has been made. To change your password, please go to the following url and create a new password: {0}

