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Alteryx Gallery API - Find job status run by others / scheduler (Shared with me)

5 - Atom

Hi everyone ,

I am little new in the Alteryx. I have a scenario where I need to find a workflow job status using Gallery API and if it is not in Queued status then I need to run the workflow.

I am using end point GET /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/  to find the list of jobs by passing workflow id as appId. From the results I am taking the latest Job id and its status. if status is not in Queued status then I am using POST /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/ to run the workflow.

Here my challenge are below

Challenge 1.

If previously workflow ran (Latest job) by me then I am getting the results and I am able to  run workflow 

if previously workflow ran (Latest job) by scheduler or other team member then I am not seeing that results .

In other words I can see results which are there in My Jobs and can't see results uner Jobs Shared with me tab using Gallery API Calls






Challenge 2:

It is not a challenge. Is there any other way where I can get the Latest Job status for a given Workflow ID not the Job ID.







15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hey @itzharip 

Sorry to see you not get a quick response. I would suggest instead posting on the server discussion page, where one of the experts in the community can help you answer your question ( As this is the introductions board, it is less likely to receive a solution to a server-based question here.


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @itzharip maybe this article can help you.


Take a look.


In this article I describe the step by step to cancel workflows, I know this not is what you wanna, but in the workflow, you can see one part where you can find the tools to get the information's about the status of the workflow.


Hope this help



Carlos A Teixeira
5 - Atom

Thank you, I posted in Server Discussion as well.