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All users forgotten Server creds - how can we find them

8 - Asteroid

hi folks


we have been asked to do a server upgrade for a new client. of course, this means i need a new user creating


nobody in the client organisation has logged in to ServerGaller ServerAdmin for 2 or 3 years none remember their credentials. this  is all users including the "default gallery administrator" and license admin 


the answer is probably very simple but for the life of me i cant work out how they can get me a new user created OR recover / reset someone else's passwords so they can set me up


i am guessing may be as easy as changing the "Default Gallery Administrator" when i log on to the server and run "Settings" but i worry this might not work and, worse still, lock out the current DGA completely


more than happy to try anything, perhaps getting on the MongoDB myself (with a wndows service account) & doing a password renew for the DGA (if it is possible, i am not a MongoDB expert!!) 


thanks folks


14 - Magnetar

Hi @ianjonnaCAA, if none of the current Gallery admin (curators) remember their password and the Server is using built-in authentication you can try to first, have one the curators reset their password, they can click on the Forgot password option when logging in. An email will be sent out to reset the password. If no curator is able to do this, then you need to open the Server machine via RDP, go to Alteryx System Settings and change the Default Gallery Admin to a new user that is able to login and reset their password. 

8 - Asteroid

thanks @gabrielvilella 


i will try that out when i am back in front of my desk




14 - Magnetar

Hi @ianjonnaCAA, I see that you marked your reply as the solution, but I think you meant to mark my answer?