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API settings for cross-server metadata-only user

8 - Asteroid


Got to admit I'm a bit lost with APIs - I've got as far as setting up some basic monitoring workflows for admins with APIv3, but nothing beyond that so far.

Hopefully what I'm asking below is really simple and I just haven't spotted how to do it because I'm only just learning the language of APIs:


We want to give access to a user via API so that they can access just the metadata across all workflows and apps on the server.

  • This means that they must not be able to access any input or output data or edit our DB in any way - Currently any server user in a collection can run apps and therefore access output data, and all current users of the API are curators and able to use pretty much all the functions available.
  • They also must not be able to change their own settings, which I guess is another reason being a Curator is out.
  • I'd also prefer not to have to add the user to every collection if it can be helped - I'm not keen on having to constantly monitor and adjust the access for this user.

I'm using Server 2022.3, about to upgrade to 2023.2

Thanks in advance :)