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What is the difference between applications, workflows?


While going through under scheduling we can schedule application and workflow.What is the difference between application and workflow?

Workbook: .yxmd

Package: .yxzp

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

An Alteryx Workflow (also known as a module) is the standard Alteryx file .yxmd. it is what you build and save when you drag and drop tools into Alteryx Designer.


An Alteryx Analytic App is "a self-contained program that performs a specific function for the user" and is saved as a .yxwz. It is also built with Alteryx Designer but it makes use of Interface tools to create user interfaces. I have attached an example of a very simple app. Applications are defined more thoroughly here:


Other extensions that you will see:


.yxmc: An Alteryx Macro

.yxdb: An Alteryx DB file


And finally: .yxzp. Sometimes, when you create a workflow or an application, there are other files that are required for a successful run. This includes things like Input files, custom macros, etc. In Alteryx 10.1 you can create an Alteryx package using Options -> Export Workflow. This will package all the workflow/application dependencies into one .yxzp file so that when you send it to someone else or publish it to a server it can run successsfully.


Very beautifully explained. THANK YOU!!


Thanks for an explanation. Could you please help me with this:


I have few .yxmd files which I need to re-engineer and extract the transformation logic. Some of them are using DB connections for input. 


Challenge - I am able to see only part of the query in Input tool wherever source is database. 


Is it because file is not an Alteryx package? Will I be able to see complete query in .yxzp file? Any other ways to read the complete query? 


Connection used is ODBC.


No not exactly even if your workflow has in-db connect tool you should be able to view the entire query used. It has nothing related to yxzp file version. I am also using yxmd and in-DB connect the query can be viewed.
