Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx Designer Crashes at Splash Screen

6 - Meteoroid



Let me preface by saying this is more of a technical issue and not a use of the tool issue. I've been using Alteryx for quite a while now at our company and very recently I've been running across an issue where Alteryx Designer crashes on the Designer start up splash screen. It normally takes a minute or two to load, but this splash screen can pend there for 10-15 minutes.  If I "click" the splash screen, it disappears, but I can still see process running in the task manager.


The versions we use are dictated by our IT team. Previously, I was using version 2019.4 and it was working fine (until the above happened).  A reinstall was suggested (we have since moved to 2020.4) and I did the reinstall.  It worked for a few hours, only to now have the same issue (stuck on splash screen, never loads). I don't want to have to continue to reinstall as it's a bit of a process. I've tried system restarts and running as admin - nothing has worked.


Has anyone experienced this in the past? Are there any suggestions that I can try without having to continuously reinstall?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @smixon 


Did you try Complete Uninstall?

Normal uninstall leave some information. Sometimes it occurs bad things.


Complete Uninstall of Alteryx Designer

5 - Atom

Our Designer is setup on a server and used by others.  Reinstalling it is not can't be done without difficulty and inconvenience to other users. The fact that it is working for others but not myself suggests an issue with my profile maybe.  Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

5 - Atom

Also - we are on version 19.4

5 - Atom

Never mind - as I did further research, I learned about circular macros.  And that was the issue.
