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using double quote as delimiters in csv file

7 - Meteor

Hi community, 


I have a text file that every value is separated by double quotes, as an example the data set is like "A" "B" "C". Is there a way to use the input tool and define a delimiter or should I do it another way? 


Thanks a lot!

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @binnursev 


Can you provide a sample file?

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

hi @binnursev 

is your data is such that every data value is enclosed in double quotes and then each of them separated by space/tab, I suggest that you:

- first, use the Text to Column Tool ( to separate the data fields using the \s as delimiter;

- secondly use either StripQuotes or Trim function ( to remove the double quotes from the data.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @binnursev 


It is common for csv files to have double quotes around field values.


The input data tool will remove the quotes if you pick a space as the delimiter. 


Example attached.

7 - Meteor

Hi David, 


Thank you for your response. I tried it but I get an error that "A field was missing a closing quote" while all are fine. Also the whole dataset is coming as one field name and one data field when I do the configuration as you sent. I can't use the text to columns because some part of the data is lost if I don't use a proper Input configuration.


Do you think there is another way?


Thank you again! 


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @binnursev 


Could you attach a small sample data file?

7 - Meteor

Hi Everyone, I am running into the same issue where Alteryx is not reading the CSV file. I am unable to provide a sample file data but does anyone have any suggeestion?
