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tools not recognizing fields after input refresh

5 - Atom

I am running a workflow that every time I refresh my input with the same file name + same columns, all of my tools (cleanse, join, select) ignores like half of the fields I previously configured and lists them as "missing" or deselects them despite the field still showing up in the tool. I've tried deleting the tool (s) and reconfiguring but each time it malfunctions after I put in a new file. This issue only occurs with one of my inputs.

 alteryx issue 2.PNGalteryx issue.PNG

8 - Asteroid

Hi @rma123 , 

May be you can check if the second file has a leading or trailing space in the column name due to which it is not able to identify.

If it is so, try trimming those spaces away.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @rma123 ,


can you provide the workflow and some data so we can help?






5 - Atom

Here is my workflow! I experimented using the exact same input 1 file but just taken out of the source folder and then pasted in again and run into the issues of the tools not recognizing a bunch of fields and giving me errors I screenshotted above.alteryx issue 3.PNG

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @rma123 ,


yeah, without seeing the workflow and the data you're using it's impossible for us to know.


If you input a file and it contains 10 columns, then you input another and it has 8 of those columns, you will be left with those two highlighted as missing in orange. If you deselect those, then it won't load them in next time as you have specifically told it not to.


If you ensure the "Unknown" field is checked, then load the one with 8 columns in first, then when you load the one with 10 columns in it will pick those up automatically.

Your screenshot doesn't show us anything.




5 - Atom

I couldn't share the data  for privacy reasons but after tinkering around in the workflow I think its working now. I'm not sure why the issue came up in the first place because the input files were the exact same both times i ran it, just with a different time stamp, but I checked my tools and made sure to have all the "unknown" fields checked and now it seems to be okay even when i refresh the input. Thanks for the reminder!

8 - Asteroid

@rma123, great it worked !!

@mceleavey, thanks for sharing the "unknown fields" tip.
