Hey @peanut89,
It's most likely not installed on the server. See: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Server-Knowledge-Base/Error-Unable-to-resolve-plugin-Python...
i dont see
You will need to use Data Connection Manager (DCM) to pass your credentials to the tool when published on Server.
Make sure you've synced the DCM credentials in Designer to Server. Open the DCM window and you should see a "Sync" button. This is what shares credentials between local and Server instances of the workflow.
Thank you for the advice on this. When I go to sync, it appears that our Alteryx Gallery has not been set up. In system settings, when I tick 'Enable Gallery' and click through to the end, I am getting the following error:
Settings verification failed, please verify the following:
Setting with root <Controller> and name <EmbeddedMongoDBRootPath> must be empty or contain an existing instance
Service with name <WebInterface> must be running
I can see in the Controller > Persistence section of System Settings that the Database Type defaults to MongoDB and it appears all other settings have remained the same, so I believe the error is being caused by this particular setting.
Do you know what might be causing this and how I can go about fixing it?