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search for a specific name and set the row as the header

10 - Fireball

Hello Alteryx Community,


Do Alteryx have the capability to search for a specific name like "Vendor" and then set the entire row as the header or column names?  The reason is that multiple users have different starting row in their input file.  User A's column header is located on the 3rd row, while user B's column header are in fourth row.



Appreciate if you can share with me you workflow with your sample input.



Thanks in advance.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I suppose we can use the Dynamic Rename tool to this work.
Better you can share a set of sample date for input and output.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @PassION_es , if I've understood correctly this workflow should help you. Some of the sample data starts on Row 3 and the other on Row 4 - the correct start point is dynamically chosen and the headers renamed. Hope it helps!


13 - Pulsar

This is less likely, but I figured I would throw this out there. If you don't want/don't need to drop all the rows above the header columns.

Version 1.png

Version 1 will work just fine. If the Vendor column is not always in the same column. Then something like this workflow would be what you need:

Version 2.png

20 - Arcturus

@PassION_es Another method, set the input tool configuration like the below and add a flag which sets to 1 from the vendor field and filter only those values where flag=1, attaching a sample workflow


10 - Fireball

Thank you all for  your answers and apologies for the late response due to a long vacation.  I have proceeded with my workflow.
